Sui Metamask Snap

Add Sui Network to your existing Metamask wallet with Snaps

Users who would like to use their Metamask wallet on Aftermath can do so by installing the Sui Metamask Snap. Snaps are applications built by third-party developers that add additional functionality to Metamask, including connecting to non-EVM networks like Sui. For more information, see the Metamask Snaps FAQ.

To install the Sui Snap to your Metamask wallet, first navigate to the Sui Snap page in the Snaps Directory: Sui Metamask Snap

Click the Add to Metamask button, and a Third-party software notice will appear. Click Accept, and your Metamask browser wallet modal will appear and prompt you to connect to the Sui Snap.

Click Connect, and an Installation request and Confirmation will appear. Click Install, and then Confirm to continue.

A confirmation will appear indicating that Sui Snap has been installed. Follow the link to to connect your Metamask to Sui.

When you arrive at your Sui Snap homepage, you will be prompted to connect to your Metamask. Click Connect, and your wallet will be displayed in the browser.

You are now ready to start using your Metamask wallet on Aftermath. Navigate to the Aftermath dAPP and click the Login / Connect button located on the right side of the navigation bar at the top of the screen.

The Login / Connect wallet modal will appear. Select Metamask Snap. Your Metamask browser extension modal will then prompt you to connect to Aftermath. Click Connect to continue.

Your Metamask is now connected to Aftermath. Click on your address in the navigation bar at the top of the screen where the Login / Connect button previously appeared to view your Metamask on Aftermath.

You are now ready to begin using Aftermath with your Metamask wallet.

Last updated