Viewing your Portfolio
Easily keep track of all of your assets and activity
Last updated
Easily keep track of all of your assets and activity
Last updated
You can easily track all of your assets and activity through the Aftermath in-app wallet modal. Click on the green button displaying your address on the right side of the navigation bar at the top of the screen to open your wallet.
Below your connected account and total balance, you will see tabs for Portfolio and History. Portfolio tracks all of your assets and positions, and History maintains a list of your transactions on Aftermath.
Under the Porfolio Tab, you will see sub-tabs for Holdings, Trade, and Earn. Clicking on Holdings allows you to view your coins and NFTs. The Trade sub-tab displays any active DCA orders you have in progress, and Earn shows your active positions in Pools and Farms on Aftermath.
The History tab displays your transactions on Aftermath. Here you will find sub-tabs for Trade and Earn. Trade displays your swap activity on the Aftermath Aggregator, as well as your past (completed) DCA orders. Earn shows your transactions with our Pools and Farms, such as depositing, re-locking, or claiming rewards.