Changing your Settings
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At the far right of the menu bar at the top of the screen you will find a gear icon. Clicking this allows you to customize the way you view and interact with the Aftermath Finance dApp.
In the settings menu you will find the following parameters which you can set to your liking:
Theme: Choose between Light and Dark mode
Explorer: Anywhere on Aftermath where you can view your transaction history, you will find a button which takes you to a block explorer so you can inspect the transaction in more detail. Different users have different preferences as to which explorer they prefer, so we allow you to choose between SuiVision, Suiscan, and Sui Explorer. Setting your preference here will then always use that particular explorer when you click one of these links.
Network: Allows you to switch between Mainnet and Testnet.
Sui RPC Endpoint: Switch RPC endpoints if you wish.
Notification Display: Specifiy the location where notifications appear.